Comedy | Formats | Great Night Out
Great Night Out
/  UK : ITV1

6 x 1 hr
Comedy drama following four friends as they help each other through romantic, work and family predicaments whilst in doing so, invariably creating bigger problems to solve. The series charts the lads' attempts to right their worldly wrongs, so long as... they don't have to move too far from the local pub or the football to do so. Hodge (Lee Boardman, Coronation Street) is a quick-witted showman. Beggsy (Will Ash, Lapland and Waterloo Road) is an upbeat charmer, a favourite with the ladies and a reliable friend when you're in need. Daz (Stephen Walters, Layer Cake) is the eternal pessimist and Glyn (Craig Parkinson, Line of Duty) is everyone's loyal underdog. Also starring Ricky Tomlinson (The Royle Family) and Rebekah Staton (Wallander, Spy).
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Starring: Lee Boardman, Will Ash, Stephen Walters, Craig Parkinson, Ricky Tomlinson, Rebekah Staton
Writers: Mark Bussell, Justin Sbresni, Jonathan Harvey, Steve Turner
Produced By: Hat Trick Productions
Broadcaster: UK : ITV1 | Year of Production: 2012
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