Factual | Sarah Beeny's New Life in the Country
Sarah Beeny's New Life in the Country
/  Channel 4

S1 (8 x 1 hr) S2 (8 x 1hr & 1 x 1hr Christmas Special) S3 (7 x 1hr) S4 (8 x 1hr) Total: 32 hrs
Sarah Beeny’s New Life In The Country – a brand new documentary series which follows property expert Sarah Beeny and her family as they swap the urban jungle for a new life in the country.

Sarah, her husband Graham Swift and their four... sons quit their lives in London to start anew in what they hope will be a rural idyll. The family has bought a semi-derelict former dairy farm in Somerset where, surrounded by 220 acres of farmland, they’re planning on building the house of their dreams; a modern, carbon-neutral, mini stately home.

Alongside the building project, Sarah is looking to create an idyllic yet purposeful country life for the family introducing bees and collecting hens, as well as road testing rural businesses from cheese-making to cider making and chilli growing.

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Starring: Sarah Beeny
Produced By: Outline Productions
Broadcaster: Channel 4 | Year of Production: 2020 - 2024
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